Monday, February 13, 2006

To cut a piece of flesh

Sarcasm - the root word literally means "to cut a piece of flesh (from the targeted person)."

Today I realized I had hurt a dear friend of mine unintentionally by being sarcastic. It was a shock to me since I was under the impression that most of my friends and acquaintances knew that the essence of my being is sarcasm and therefore they should never take me seriously. I was born under the star sign of irony and hurtful sarcasm, grew up trying to interpret what was meant to be hurtful and what was not. Irony and sarcasm became by default my protective shell - an effective defence system and the perfect means of attack.

The interesting thing about sarcasm is the question of what lies behind it – jealousy and insecurity are sometimes the mainingredientss. But many times it is as simple as a very stimulating mind battle with other sarcastic beings.

Another and probably more interesting thing is the targeted person and what he/she finds offensive or hurtful. Why? - is a good question. And is it worth getting sad about? Is it actually not a very trivial matter?

I promise this blogg will be full of sarcasm, irony and crudeness. Because it is me.

So to all my poor little rich friends get over your complexes and embrace your background. There are wars, famines and environmental changes out there that you can sob about instead.

And know that I love you, despite all.


Marcus said...

That's not a very trivial subject...

Marcus said...

Still waiting for the next post :)

Anonymous said...

The Online Etymology Dictionary has a very interesting table of sarcasm, humour, wit, invective, irony, satire, cynism, and sardonism contra their respective aims, means, and audiences in its sarcasm entry.

Check out trivial also while you're at it.

I guess this comment's quadrivial.

Anonymous said...

btw, you've been blogrolled. and i'm also waiting for next post. considering how little i blog myself, and how much time i have compared to you, i fear it's like waiting for Godot...

Caroline said...

I love knives! As long as they are sharp!