I am going to Israel in two weeks. Next Saturday I should be in the warm embrace of my loved one, but maybe this will not happen Maybe I will be in a nice room in that lovely Hotel Gitmo in Cuba instead.
Reason? Oh, I just tried to buy a computer from a delluxe American company and happened to mention to the salesperson that I was going to Israel on holiday and taking the computer with me.
Sorry, I’ll start from the beginning and go slowly.
I need a computer to do my studies and since I will be travelling and also because I want to be cool, I’m getting a laptop.
At work I am using a computer of this dellightful American brand and it is ok. It works anyway, so I thought it would be quick and painless to order one by phone, pay directly and get the dellicate computer dellivered to my home.
No hassle, now worry and the money will disappear so quickly I won’t even miss it.
So yesterday, I ordered the computer and was chit chatting with the nice salesperson about dellays, when he just happened to ask me “so where are you going on your holiday?”
“Israel” the naïve person that I am answered and that was that – I was totally screwed.
A few hours after I had placed my order the nice salesperson called me and said and I will quote: “I am sorry but the department in the States needs your address in Israel to let you place an order”
My reaction, after dropping my jaw was “What?! Why?! The dellivery will be to my home in Sweden. You don’t need my holiday destination!”
His answer was “Well, you know this is a dellicate situation, the company is American you know and there are certain ‘trigger words’ that they look out for and my boss heard you say one of the ‘trigger words’ which is ‘Israel’, so I had to write to the States and ask them if I could sell you a computer. They said it would be fine if you gave me your address in Israel”
I was stunned, no that is an understatement, I was hungry and hunger combined with this dellerious idiot was not good - I became furious!
I told him that if he gave me one legitimate reason for why I should give him the address I would dellightfully give it to him. But all he could say was “Sorry but it is a company rule and rules are meant to be followed.”
He did however understand my anger and tried various ways of soothing me, including asking me out for a drink in the evening. At the end of my verbal but polite abuse he said he was going to try to fix things. He then wrote back to the States “the girl is a student and hasn’t organised her lodgings - therefore she doesn’t have an address yet”
I know this because he read it aloud to me and he also read the answer:
“No address – no purchase”
I won’t dellve deep into the reasons to why this happened, but maybe it was :
I don’t know, all I know is I couldn’t sleep last night.